The annual Dimebag raffle was another success - This year's winner was also a guitar player, Mars from Hells Kitchen, NYC - a shredder in his own right. We raised $670 for VH1's Save The Music Foundation, and put another new guitar in the hands of another local musician. Dime would be proud. Much thanks to John C., our friends at Dean Guitars, and of course, everyone who took a chance for charity- J.D.
A new year, time for more ass kickin' events at " The Mecca"- Here's the first of many :
DUFF'S proudly presents an exclusive one night engagement with CARNIVORE at North Six, Saturday January 13th. Included on the bill are:
- KRIEG (one time reunion)
- A.C.
Tickets on sale Sunday Dec 24 at noon exclusively through DUFF'S will also be hosting the official after show/meet & greet party with our friends CARNIVORE at the bar. - J.D.
In response to all the email I've been receiving:
Two years after being established, and one year after our Dimebag Memorial Fund benefit , I've been informed that the DBDMF was closed earlier this year. This is a good thing - it means everyone affected financially by the tragedy has been taken care of. As a result, DUFF'S will no longer be hosting a benefit for the fund . VH1's Save The Music Foundation was a charity supported by Dimebag, so in his memory, we will be raffling off a brand new Dean Dime Blade guitar this month, with all the proceeds to go to the VH1 Save the Music Foundation. The raffle will start on Friday night, Dec. 8th, and a winner will be drawn on Friday Dec. 22nd, in time for the holidays. We'll kick off the raffle at 10 PM while knockin' back some blacktooths & crankin' up the Dimevision - Not an official bar event, but all like minded folks are invited to join in the celebration of the memory of "The Idol" . - J.D.
Props to Century Media recording artists Brand New Sin for the shout out to DUFF'S in the liner notes of their latest offering "Tequila". For music and a link to the official Brand New Sin web site on click on the album cover below.
SHECKY'S guides are available online here:
- BEST DIVE BAR - 2nd year in a row
- BEST JUKEBOX - 2nd year in a row
DUFF'S will be hosting the official after show party/meet & greet for the 2006 Deathtoberfest, being held at Northsix in Williamsburg, October 20th. Headlining the show and attending the aftershow party will be DEICIDE ( Florida) , NACHTMYSTIUM ( Chicago) , DAATH ( Atlanta), and EMBALMER ( Cleveland) . See the flyer below for the entire line -up . Tickets are on sale at DUFF'S - don't wait too late , this show will sell out ( the meet & greet event at the bar is free) - J.D.
Great Labor Day party, grilling and rippin' it up with CARNIVORE at the band's " Greet the Meat" gathering at the bar . View photos of some of the debauchery by clicking on the photo below:
We had a blast at the bar with German thrash legends SODOM Thursday after their show at BB Kings. Great show, great after show party - good times hanging out with the band and their crew. If you're in or around Hollywood this Saturday, be sure to check out their show at the Key club, the second of only 2 US dates. See more photos in the photo gallery "Metal Daze" - J.D.
death metal legends SUFFOCATION, Saturday July 15th
As you may or may not know , our good friend Juliya has amicably parted ways with FUSE TV after a tremendously success run , traveling the globe, and hosting the channels highest rated programs. Juliya will be filming a pilot for her brand new show this Friday at DUFF'S - The segment is part of the show that will feature places that rock, and rock we motherfuckin' do. In addition to bartending with Laurieanne, Jules will be interviewing you , the customers, the staff, and of course , hangin' out & havin' a good time. Without giving away too much , the new show will be more "street" , and will be the premiere metal show on tv - This is your chance to be part of the very beginning of something that is going to be great . Party starts @ 9 PM - See ya then - JD
The Type O Negative dvd party DUFFS hosted this past weekend was a riot, one of the best parties in recent memory, which says a lot. My thanks to all the fans that showed up - especially the ones who had to wait in line - We were able to get everyone in eventually. Also, much thanks to staff of DUFF'S who kept it rockin' all night long, John P. from SPV, Maria's prominent breasts, and last but not least - some of the coolest, most fan friendly, down to earth cats around - All the members of Type O Negative. - J.D.
Click on the photo for the first batch of photos from the party
Click HERE for a link to purchase the new dvd on

The fellas were in town to host a listening party for their upcoming release "MONOTHEIST"(release date - May 29th) as well as do an interview for a future issue of Skin and Ink. Tom and Martin were gracious guests, signing albums and cds , and hanging out having drinks with all the regulars. A good time was had by all. Watch for local Celtic Frost dates this fall at BB Kings - Sept 14th & 15th.
See more pictures in the Photo Galleries.
Daniel Holloway, the author, correctly describes the vibe of the place as " the last roadhouse before hell" - Somebody, please, give that guy the fuckin' Pulitzer Prize!!
On a serious note, the article goes to show what folks who've been drinking at my bars for years already know - If you're cool, and you're a righteous individual, you'll enjoy yourself at my place, regardless if you're a "metalhead" or not. - J.D.
Sheckys, the bible of of bar guides, has just put out their new 2006 bar guide, naming DUFF'S a Sheckys "pick" , and one of the 5 top Dive bars in NYC. Sheckys top 5, alphabetically:
• Cherry Tavern
• Manitobas
• Marz Bar
• Welcome to the Johnsons
The Sheckys 2006 Bar/Club/ Lounge guide is now available online @
We're having a party to celebrate the occasion, Saturday night, January 21st.
The past year has been better then anyone could have expected - After bringin' the real deal to Brooklyn, we received an avalanche of press & " Best of " awards . Most importantly, we met a whole new bunch of people who've been turned on to our own brand of partyin' & good times. On behalf of the staff, my thanks to you for being so cool , and for your support . Here's to another good year , we'll keep it ROCK, and we'll keep it motherfuckin' REAL - Jimmy Duff
"Pay attention you fucks !!!" - Dimebag
December 8th 2004 is a day that we remember all too clearly - The day Dimebag was senselessly murdered onstage in Ohio. Personally , for me, I'll be observing that date in my own way this year, gettin' loaded & crankin' Dime tunes, hopefully keeping it low key.
The following day, Friday, December 9th, 9 PM, I will be hosting a benefit at DUFF'S , for the Dimebag memorial fund , for all the super -humans who lost their lives or were hurt that night trying to save/help Dimebag . None of us will ever forget Dime, and fortunately we still have the music that will outlive you and I, and will be enjoyed as long as this world spins. What's important now is to celebrate the life and music of Dime, in the fashion he would approve - Gettin' ripped & havin' the best fuckin' time we can , and , also - remembering the others who lost their lives that night, and helping provide for their survivors.
This will be a TRUE benefit, not "we'll donate a dollar for every beer" , or " a portion of the proceeds" kind of fucking nonsense. Fuck all to that exploitation horseshit - 100% of the proceeds of the evening , as well as 100% of the bartenders tips will go to the Dimebag memorial fund . As if that wasn't enough , we will also be raffling off a brand new Dean Dimebag Darrell ML guitar ( pictured below), generously donated by our friends at Dean Guitars, along with other lots of other cool stuff. And we will party, in the spirit of Dime - Mark your calendars for a great time , and an even better cause - Jimmy Duff